
What Is Patina? & 6 Of The Most Common Causes

Taza Leather brand new wallet on the left vs 4 years old with patina on the right.

It is smart to start with the definition. Patina is a noun; A surface appearance of something grown beautiful especially with age or use. Patina can be use(d) to describe many different objects such as wood, leather, and the most famous one is copper with the iconic green color of the Statue of Liberty In New York. 

For the sake of this article I will focus on leather and only on leather. The mere fact leather can acquire patina is one of the biggest reasons why this material has stood through time and continues to be regarded as a luxury material. Leather’s endurance and ability to remain more unique even as time passes makes it more desirable.

Patina appears on leather for many reasons. Some signs of this aging process reveal themselves quickly while others will take a bit longer. As long as the product is made with real leather it will obtain its fair share of patina. Of course the lighter the color of the leather the faster you will see the patina appear. Patina is caused mostly from exposure to nature itself. Here are six of the most common causes and accelerators of patina. 

  1. Natural body oils (acquired by the everyday handling of the leather)
  2. Dust
  3. Heat
  4. Conditioning oils
  5. Sunlight (yes, and from experience, even the exposure of florescent light causes patina)
  6. Water

The simple life of the leather will provide you with a unique product that will be truly yours. I like to think of leather products as more than just a purchase, but as a utility tool investment that will endure for a long time. The patina will be the map, the canvas, and the page on which your story will be stamped. Enjoy the characteristics of leather, keep it hydrated with the proper leather care, and you will enjoy our products for decades to come.